Monday, November 29, 2010

Things Change

We'll be friends forever
We'll go to university together
We'll be the most popular girls there
All three of us…
Three became two
Two became one
New friends
New dreams
New life
We grew up
Time passes
Things change
People change
Hearts are broken
Friendships die
Promises aren't kept
People get upset
And we move on
We all just moved on
But inside of us
Somewhere deep inside
It's still there
Our promises
Our dreams
Our friendship
I watched you two walk away
One at a time
But I don't miss you now
I miss who you were then
But this is now
That was then
And whether we like it or not
There is nothing we can do
Things change.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Boys Will Be Boys

Boys, ugh.
Sometimes I wish they didn't exist. Everyone says girls cause way more drama than boys, but really, that's not true at all. There's so much pressure to have a boyfriend these days, I mean seriously we're young teens it's not going to last.I don't see what the big deal is. Why is everyone so obsessed with dating? Well not everyone, not my friends. That's one of the reasons I love them so much. What exactly is dating anyways? I mean, I know what it is, but what do kids my age consider dating to be? Most teen's, like myself, aren't even allowed to date. So what do they do? Movies, Mall? Is that it? Oh, and of course going to the dances together. I don't consider that dating. Sure, people have movie dates, but that's not all they do. Sure, they go to the mall sometimes. But they also go on dinner dates, they go to places, and to each others houses. If it get's serious they introduce each other to their parents. Most teens who are "dating" don't even go anywhere. It's just an, I like you, you like me, let's go out, honeymoon phase, things are different now, get in a fight, we're over, kind of thing. That's not a relationship, I don't even know what to call that. I'm not looking for that. It's not like I don't get crushes, I'm human, of course I do. I just don't do anything about it, I mean I can't help but flirt a little, it's who I am, but I won't tell them I like them. If they ask me out,yeah, I'd probably say yes, but what's it matter, it won't last. I'm not going to go looking for a relationship. I'm happy being single, I'm way too young to even be THINKING about a relationship.