Friday, July 6, 2012

Lock Me Up, I'm Crazy

Read the title.
It's true.
I swear, I'm insane.
My thoughts don't make sense half the time, sometimes random ones will pop into my head and they just don't make sense.
You know what I was doing at midnight last night?
I was lying on my bed listening to Kanye West and dancing. I would close my eyes and I'd be in a club, dancing like a crazy ass motherfucker. 
I talk to myself. Out loud. All the time.
I think people are watching me. I pretend I don't know they're watching me and then I remember that no one's actually watching me. So in reality, I was pretending that someone was watching me.
I feel lifeless sometimes. I just, can't feel any emotions and I get really confused about everything.
I make up scenarios where I'm with people and doing things and I act them out like they're real.
They're not.
I'm crazy.
P L E A S E  H E L P  M E .