Tuesday, October 26, 2010

This Could be Heaven or It Could Be Hell

 People say that when you die if you’ve been good you go to heaven, and if you’ve been bad you go to hell. That’s a lie. There is only heaven. People who have been bad, they are reincarnated, born again. Here, alive, this is hell. All the problems, and the waiting. Not knowing when your time here is up. Going to sleep without knowing you’ll wake up the next day. The heartbreak, the tears, the wounds. There’s no terrible dark place beneath us. That place is here, so when you’ve lived a bad life, and you’ve purposely hurt many others, you're sent back to go through it all again, but you don’t remember your past life. That's my opinion. But, I might not be right. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

 If you live a good life, help others around you, and never commit a sin you’ll go to heaven. If you’re a terrible person, you have not a care for others, and committing sins is like breathing, then you’ll go to hell.
There are so many different opinions, but we have no way of knowing, until we’re there. Wherever there is.


Being a teenager means different things for different people. When you think about being a teenager most people think, staying out late, dating, texting, sneaking out, and counting the days until you’re old enough to drive. But for some people being a teenager is like being in hell. You’re not allowed to date, you don’t have a phone, and you always have a curfew even in the summer. Who cares about driving when you’re not gonna get a car? You aren’t allowed to live your own life. You’re bullied, because you’re different. You always feel like no one loves you. People like that spend every minute of everyday, waiting. They count the seconds until they’re finally old enough to leave and they can be out of whatever place they’re in. Sometimes you can’t always tell who these people are. Most of them paste a fake smile on their face everyday so you’d never know the difference. But the ones that don’t bother to pretend, you can see easily. Even the ones that pretend, sometimes still give signs. But no one cares, until they’re gone. Whether you know they’re miserable or not mostly everyone who feels like this turn to things they know are wrong. It feel’s like an escape, something that’s yours and yours only. And as much as it hurts you or will hurt you later, the escape is worth it. And eventually you’re addicted to whatever it is you’ve turned to. Cutting,drugs,alcohol. You start to believe that maybe it isn’t wrong. How can it be wrong when it feels so right? And then it takes over your life. You can’t stop, you just can’t. And you’re back at where you started. You have something that controls your life. Except this time it’s possible to get over it. You just need to find another escape, a good one this time, and one that won’t hurt you. And some people do, they turn their lives around, and that is a very hard thing to do. But the others, they take the hard way out or I guess you could call it the easy way, it really depends on your point of view. Death.


Common Sense. It stops us from doing stupid things. You have to be smart enough to know when to stop talking. There are some things you just don’t bring up. You don’t always need to tell the truth. I know these things, but it took me 13 years to get here. I’ve tried to help my sisters. I never had anyone tell me what not to do, how to survive middle school, what its like to be a teenager. But my sisters have me, if only they’d listen. I have a feeling at least one of them, is going to end up like I did. Depressed, lonely, and in pain, broken hearted, feeling like a lost soul. I give them advice, I know how the situations they're in are going to work, but they refuse to listen to what I have to say. There's nothing else I can do except wait for them to get smart.

Don Aker

So today in English Class, I met an author. Don Aker. Some of the books he's written are, "Of Things Not Seen", "One on One", "The Space Between", "Stranger at Bay", "The Grooming Ground", and one of his more popular books, "The First Stone."

We're reading this book in class right now and I have to say, it's amazing. Every chapter ends on a cliff hanger, it leaves you wanting to read more. He said he wouldn't write a sequel to it, but he finally did, it's called "The Fifth Rule."
Don Aker is a great author, if you want to know more about him, google him.
The coolest thing about this book, is that it's set in Halifax. That's a really small town in Nova Scotia, Canada, and Don himself is from a place not to far from there. Basically all the books I read have authors from the States or England. But Don is from Canada.

Something really funny he showed us was the cover of his book, "Stranger At Bay."

He said to us, "This book only sold 12 copies last year, and I think it's because of how terrible the cover is, I hate it."
He said that when he wrote this book, he was just a new author so he didn't have any say in his covers.
Don said that when he got his ten free copies of the book, his daughter walked in, picked up a book, sighed and said, "Dad, this guy has huge nipples." I found that kind of funny.
He also mentioned that the author must not have read his book, because the character on the cover is the main character, but the main character has long hair that comes down to his eyes.

Don Aker's Tips About Writing
-If you want to be an author try to write a little bit everyday.
-Write about what you know.
-The three main things you need to write  book,
1.Pick a Main Character.
2.Figure out what they want more than anything.
3.As the author, it's your job to keep them from getting it.

So all in all, Don Aker is an amazing writer and if you're ever in a book store, pick up one of his books.

Monday, October 25, 2010


Nobody know's what you're hiding. It's something they have no way to ever know, inside your head.
Everybody has secrets, it's normal.
 But some people, feel the need to tell others. There is nothing wrong with that. But when you have nobody to tell, then what?
I've tried a lot of things. Keeping everything bottled up inside. Letting everything out. Having some secrets, telling some people things. Nothing seems to work.
Sometimes, you find a solution.There's that one person, who won't judge you no matter what you tell them, they give you advice, and they care about you. A lot.
But if you're me, when you find that person, you're stupid, and you let them go.
Learn from your mistakes.....

I know this was kind of short, but that's all I have to say.