Saturday, March 29, 2014

The Last Name Game

"Why should I be wasting my time with someone I don't like just because they have the same last name as me?" "No other animal keeps a relationship with its parents after its been raised. It's not natural."
Those are the two quotations that stuck out to me the most. But really I resonate with the whole of both of these quotations. Both of these men said the same things using two different arguments and I couldn't agree more with both of them. 

You see, my parents are unreasonable human beings and sometimes…sometimes I forget that, sometimes I forget that my parents are the kind of people who should not be allowed to raise children. But don't worry, they never fail to remind me.

"But…you have a car! And a big house! You have a hot tub, and a walk in closet. You have the phone you want, the clothes you want, the laptop you want, you get to go wherever you want, you have the perfect life!" Do you know how many times and from how many people I've heard this? Okay, yes, I'll give my parents credit for being very financially capable of looking after children. That's the one thing they have going for them. And you know what? Money DOES buy happiness. Because those are the times when I forget that my parents are awful people, when they buy me things. And for a while…I almost like them, because who wouldn't like someone that just bought them an iPhone 5s? So even though money can buy happiness, it's temporary happiness. Because as much as I love my phone, and as happy as my phone makes me, I still hate my parents, they still make me very upset. 

They like to bring me down. It's their absolute favourite thing to do. To criticize me, to laugh at my hopes and dreams and goals. And even though I shouldn't even care about their opinions, because I know they are horrible excuses for parents, it still hurts. It hurts to have someone literally laugh in your face and sarcastically say "oh sure you can."

I think the thing that bothers me most about my parents is that they think I'm awful. They thing I'm a bad kid or something. Which is completely and utterly ridiculous. I've had a 90% average or higher for my entire school career. I'm involved in so many extracurricular activities and I volunteer at multiple places. I don't drink, I don't do drugs, I don't date, and I don't party. They literally could not have asked for a better child. And it infuriates me so much that they have this idea that I could be so much better. I just don't understand what more they want from me.

And for the longest time, I put up with it. I didn't drink, I didn't do drugs, I didn't date, and I didn't party. But…then it got to me. Because, they think I'm this horrible bad kid who doesn't listen so why shouldn't I be the kid they think I am? Why should I work so hard to be good if they're always going to think I'm bad? And…the answer to that was always my future. If I don't get good grades, if I don't get into a good university, if I don't get a well-paying job then… I can never escape them. Because that's my ultimate goal, to be the opposite of what is now normal and go back to the way animals do it, to do what these two men are saying in these pictures. 

But then I realized that I can do that even if I have a little sip of a cooler at a party with my boyfriend. Maybe I'll pass on the blunt because I still do have standards but hey it's nice to be a little wild and anyways maybe now my parents will think I'm good if they thought I was bad before. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Sometimes I just have to sit down and say to myself, what the fuck is wrong with society these days?

So this girl I know had a dream.
Her dream was to go to Thailand and help people.
She was going to achieve that dream next year, she graduates from highschool this year and she was raising money to afford it.
Now instead, she's going to be raising a child.

This girl may sound like a great person from what I've told you about her, but you don't know her. She makes a lot of commitments that she can't live up to, she spends her time partying and drinking.

But that's not important. It doesn't matter what kind of person she is.
What matters is that she is a young girl with a dream.
So why then, why are people saying to her "congratulations!"?

Congratulations for what?
For getting pregnant in high school?
For getting pregnant when you don't have the mental or financial capacity to look after a child?
These people might as well be saying "Congratulations! Your future is over and you can no longer achieve your dream of going to Thailand! Good job!"

Now before you get on my case saying maybe it wasn't her fault, remember that you don't know the backstory, but I do. She is happy about this baby.

I don't understand why.
Why would someone be happy about the fact that an 18 year old girl who had her whole life ahead of her is going to have to give up her dreams to be a mother?
Why is that something to be congratulated on?
It's not.

I will not congratulate you for bringing a human being into this world when you are not capable of giving it the life that it deserves.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Property Of…

So today I was scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed and this one thing stuck out to me.
This girl that I've talked to maybe twice updated her profile picture.
Why is that a big deal? Well, it's not.
But what I saw next is. Her boyfriend had commented on it.
"Property of *her boyfriend's name*".
And that just really infuriated me.

People are not property, you cannot own a person.
And you know what's worse?
He probably meant that in a "loving" way.
This is a perfect example of how women are treated in this society.
We're supposed to belong to somebody else and not only be okay with that, but WANT it.