Sunday, December 12, 2010

So, I Think I Might Love You

I can't believe how easy it is to lie, it's much harder to tell the truth.
When somebody asks you "how are you?" they don't really want to know.
You just say, "I'm fine, and you?" but you don't care either.
Or do you? Are you one of the few that does care?
I don't think so, I don't think you give a shit.

Things you say, they hurt. I know you're joking, so I laugh, but they hurt.
People always say, sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me.
But that's not true, words can hurt a lot.
The other day, you showed me a side of you I didn't think existed. 
You acted like a little kid, and it was adorable, you had me laughing so hard.
And those are the times I love, when you're making me laugh so hard I'm crying.

You're always making me smile too, you know how.
But every now and again you say something, and it brings me down.
You need to think, before you say things.
I've known you for so long, but right now we're closer than we've ever been.

I think you're pretty amazing.

I just hope you think the same thing about me.

I don't want to say it.
Don't want to say I'm in love.
Don't want to give you my heart just so you can break it.

So I'll just say this, I like you, a lot.

I've always sort of liked you, but now that we're sort of friends, I really like you.
And I wish I didn't like you, because I don't think you like me back.
I hate being a teenager, my stupid heart keeps falling for someone, even when my brain says no.
So please, just don't break my heart, it's had enough.
Because as much as I will try to deny it, I think I might be falling for you.

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