Monday, February 21, 2011

Je Déteste Français

The language of love.
I don't hate anything, I'm not a hateful person, but I hate french.

Tomorrow the script for a cooking show, and video response on Cinderella Man are due. In french. I can barley do these things in English and I'm expected to do it in french.
I know what you're thinking, why are you in french immersion if you hate french ?
First of all, I'm not, I'm in integrated french, second of all, my parents forced me to be in french, just like they're going to force me into I.B. in high-school. Oh, and did I mention they are planning on choosing my courses for me too?

I'm just talking about this now because I was working on the cooking show script and I burst out crying, I'm still crying. That's how much I hate french. 
It's going to take me at least an hour, most likely more, to finish this, well, there goes time for my other homework.
I'm a straight A student and now I'm slacking off and doing bad in other classes because I have to focus all my attention on french. I used to be ahead in math, I was with the group of people titled the genius kids, now I'm behind the people that are ALWAYS farthest behind. I just received an 80% on my PDR test. That's the lowest grade I've EVER gotten on a test. I blame french for that, because the weekend I was supposed to be studying for the PDR test I was too busy studying for the Science Humains ( Social Studies ) test, in french. which I got an 89% on, which is the second worst grade I've ever received. 
Yeah I get it, you're looking at me like I'm crazy, 89% ? That's a really good grade! Yeah well, not when you've got my parents asking me where the other 11% went ?

I've only got this year, and one more and then my three years of french will be over. I've lost so much already.. I forget to mention being in french, I made new friends, didn't hang out with my old friends as much, and I lost all of them except for one, I lost one of the best friends I've ever had because of stupid french. 

I despise french, and my parents, 5 more years and I'll be 18. Maybe then, I'll be free.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Olive You

I love you.

People are always saying how those are the three hardest words to say. So, they find other ways, try to be subtle. A few of my personal favourites are Olive you, and IMU. Olive you, obviously sounds like I love you, but it's just simpler. IMU, well, you can figure than that one out for yourselves, it's actually not to hard.

Adult's are always saying teenagers are too young to be in love. Maybe they're right, who knows ? Maybe what we're feeling isn't love, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

I get butterflies every time you smile at me.
I can feel my heart beat faster when we accidentally touch.
I'm jealous just seeing you talk to another girl.

I've known you for such a long time, but now we're friends.
We talk almost everyday and you're always making me laugh.

There's a lot of classes that you hate in school, but one of them is becoming my favourite.
Because I sit right behind you and you're always turning around to talk to me, or giving me one of your looks because of something the teacher said.
You'll never know how much I love that.

You're so not my type, but you're so freaking adorable and I can't help falling for you.
But, you're not one of those guys who I only like because they're hot.
You're smart, you're funny, we have a lot in common, and it's so cute when you say the wrong thing.

You do that a lot, say the wrong thing.
It's quite hilarious.
But you know, there's one thing you could say to me that even you couldn't mess up.

It's really simple actually.
8 letters.
3 words.
1 meaning.

I love you.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Be Yourself.

Your point of view; is the glass half empty or half full?
Or maybe it’s neither, it really all depends on what you fill your glass with.
Is it filled with joy, love, and happiness? Sweet, sweet lemonade.
Or is it filled with anger, despair, and hurt? Bitter coffee.
Everybody says they’re going to change, but where is that person who actually does.
You’ve got to be the one who never gives up, the one who always believes, be yourself.
I know you’ve heard it all before, just be yourself and it will make everything better.
Does it?
Sure, maybe you won’t get that person you “love” maybe you’ll lose a few “friends" and maybe you won’t be the president, maybe you won’t be famous.
That’s fine.
I’m not the type of person who believes everything is set out for us, but I do believe everything happens for a reason.
That person that you’re so “in love” with? Yeah, maybe now they mean the world to you, but if you have to give up being yourself, if you have to change who you are to get them, they’re not worth it.
You can’t lose friends. If they were so important to you, you would have gotten them back. Sure, you can miss them, you can even wish you were still friends, but you’re not. People fight for what they love and what they believe in, if you didn’t, so be it.

There’s always going to be ups and downs, you just have do everything you can to make the downs less painful and the ups more fun.
You may never realize how being yourself and not caring what anybody else thinks of you can change your life.
Or it may take you a long time and a lot of pain to find out who you are.

People tell me I’ll never understand what real pain is.
They tell me I only think about myself.
They tell me I’m just a spoiled rich bitch.
They tell me I’ll never make it, I’m not good enough.
They tell me I’m ugly.
I'm stupid.
Trust me, I've heard it all.

Well you know what?
I stopped listening.

You can’t even begin to imagine the pain I’ve felt in the 13 years I’ve been on this earth, I’ve been through enough I don’t need people telling me what I’ve felt.

Even after all that, I don’t feel sorry for myself, I just want to help everyone else, I don’t want them feeling as low as I once did.

I’m not rich. Just because I’m more well off than you, doesn’t mean I’m rich. I’m nowhere near rich. Rich is mansions and more cars then you need to drive, not getting what you want for Christmas and birthdays.

Whatever I decide to do with my life, I’ll not only do it well; I’ll do it better than it’s ever been done. I’d just like to know what gives you the right to tell me I’m not good enough. When do you get to decide? It’s my decision, and I say I’m just fine the way I am.

Nobody in this universe is ugly. Everybody is beautiful to somebody. So you think I’m ugly, I don’t care; someone out there loves me the way I am and that’s all that matters.

I refuse to change who I am just because someone tells me to, I’ll only change when I want to.

I’m not trying to be cocky, or stuck-up, I’m just letting you know you’re lucky I’m stronger. So many people out there kill themselves because they can’t take it anymore.

You want to know why I’m not going to do that?
Because I am going to prove to everyone that I’m gonna make it, I’m gonna be beautiful, I’m gonna be smart, I’m gonna be myself.

So, if you're not yourself... then who the hell are you?