Saturday, February 12, 2011

Olive You

I love you.

People are always saying how those are the three hardest words to say. So, they find other ways, try to be subtle. A few of my personal favourites are Olive you, and IMU. Olive you, obviously sounds like I love you, but it's just simpler. IMU, well, you can figure than that one out for yourselves, it's actually not to hard.

Adult's are always saying teenagers are too young to be in love. Maybe they're right, who knows ? Maybe what we're feeling isn't love, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

I get butterflies every time you smile at me.
I can feel my heart beat faster when we accidentally touch.
I'm jealous just seeing you talk to another girl.

I've known you for such a long time, but now we're friends.
We talk almost everyday and you're always making me laugh.

There's a lot of classes that you hate in school, but one of them is becoming my favourite.
Because I sit right behind you and you're always turning around to talk to me, or giving me one of your looks because of something the teacher said.
You'll never know how much I love that.

You're so not my type, but you're so freaking adorable and I can't help falling for you.
But, you're not one of those guys who I only like because they're hot.
You're smart, you're funny, we have a lot in common, and it's so cute when you say the wrong thing.

You do that a lot, say the wrong thing.
It's quite hilarious.
But you know, there's one thing you could say to me that even you couldn't mess up.

It's really simple actually.
8 letters.
3 words.
1 meaning.

I love you.

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