Monday, February 21, 2011

Je Déteste Français

The language of love.
I don't hate anything, I'm not a hateful person, but I hate french.

Tomorrow the script for a cooking show, and video response on Cinderella Man are due. In french. I can barley do these things in English and I'm expected to do it in french.
I know what you're thinking, why are you in french immersion if you hate french ?
First of all, I'm not, I'm in integrated french, second of all, my parents forced me to be in french, just like they're going to force me into I.B. in high-school. Oh, and did I mention they are planning on choosing my courses for me too?

I'm just talking about this now because I was working on the cooking show script and I burst out crying, I'm still crying. That's how much I hate french. 
It's going to take me at least an hour, most likely more, to finish this, well, there goes time for my other homework.
I'm a straight A student and now I'm slacking off and doing bad in other classes because I have to focus all my attention on french. I used to be ahead in math, I was with the group of people titled the genius kids, now I'm behind the people that are ALWAYS farthest behind. I just received an 80% on my PDR test. That's the lowest grade I've EVER gotten on a test. I blame french for that, because the weekend I was supposed to be studying for the PDR test I was too busy studying for the Science Humains ( Social Studies ) test, in french. which I got an 89% on, which is the second worst grade I've ever received. 
Yeah I get it, you're looking at me like I'm crazy, 89% ? That's a really good grade! Yeah well, not when you've got my parents asking me where the other 11% went ?

I've only got this year, and one more and then my three years of french will be over. I've lost so much already.. I forget to mention being in french, I made new friends, didn't hang out with my old friends as much, and I lost all of them except for one, I lost one of the best friends I've ever had because of stupid french. 

I despise french, and my parents, 5 more years and I'll be 18. Maybe then, I'll be free.

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