Thursday, April 21, 2011

Find True Love, The Fairytale Kind

People want more.

It's just a fact of life, sure, there are some people that are happy with their lives, but not many. For some reason, what we have is never enough, because you can always have more. 

I just finished reading a book, "Loser/Queen" by Jodi Lynn Anderson. I suppose that's what brought this on, it's about a girl who's a loser in high-school (never heard that one before, eh ?) and how she manages to climb to the top of the food chain. (or pretty close at least) She does this by bringing down a few of the people who are majorly popular. So then I got thinking, who would I bring down if I had the choice ? That's when I realized, no one. 

There really isn't anyone I could bring down, the thing with our school is that, yes it has "cliques" but no one wants to be in a different clique, we're happy where we are, because it's not really about who's cooler. No one is really cooler, well, I mean, some people think they are, but really they're not. After I realized all of that, I was momentarily shocked when I realized I spent most of my elementary and middle school years trying to get to where I am now, with a big group of friends, boys and girls, who hangout a lot outside of school, like going to the movies, mall, the park, each others houses. I wanted to be one of those girls who stays up all night texting, is addicted to pointless teenage soap operas, hangs out with her friends every weekend, always has plans, is complimented on her style and cool accessories . 

I am, that's who I am.  So I've got 2 new quotes for this, "Everybody wants more until they get it." & "It's only what you want when you don't have it." Now that I have all of that stuff I wanted for so long, it's not what I want, but I don't want to move on up, I want to go back to where I used to be. Too bad for me I can't. I can't go back, all I can do is go forward. 

I mean sure, my friends are great and all, but I want my old friends back, out of all my old friends they only ones I still talk to are Bea & Casey, and I don't miss all my old friends, just the important ones, the ones that were always there for me, the real ones. I haven't really talked to any of them in over a year, most of them just drifted away, some, one, we got in a fight and never really made up. I guess you could say I'm living proof that nobody is ever happy where they are. Well, not nobody, most people.

Good things to happen to people, but good things come with a price. H-A-T-E. You look at every person out there who's doing good in their life and they all have at least one hater. I don't understand the point of hating someone because they have something you want. Really though, what kind of person spends their life hating everyone else ? What kind of a life is that? It's just so stupid! "The hate will consume you from the inside out."-Timothy DeLaGhetto

Because people just want what they can't have, they want to be loved. I mean, who can really blame them ? Really though, someone needs to stand up and say "Fairytales don't happen in real life.."

Just a note that any names used in this post (Bea & Casey) are not real, the people are real, but those are not their names.

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