Tuesday, April 3, 2012

All Eggs Eventually Crack

Hello, my name is Insert my real name here Sierra Starr and I am the sheer image of perfection.
Everybody wants to be perfect. They don't understand. 
The image of perfection however, that does exist. And trust me, you don't want it.
Do you know how hard it is to be "perfect"?
Everybody has SUCH high expectations of me, I just, sometimes I can't do it!
I'm pretty, nice, smart, caring, I listen, I understand, and I try to help. (Note that this is how other people see me, not how I see myself.)
I cracked today. Just a little bit.
I yelled at Mackie. I told him I was sick of him. 
It's true. I am. He acts like an over-protective boyfriend to Prim and flirts with her ALL THE TIME and the worst part is she flirts back. 
Now, this should be none of my business and not affect me but it does.
Well, first of all because Prim is kind of my friend, not really but she sits at my table in french and science humains which we usually have twice a day, sometimes three times.
Second of all because she sits at my table, Mackie is always coming over to sit with us and talking and flirting with Prim VERY LOUDLY. Like hello? I don't want to see that! I'm trying to get work done here! Okay, so maybe I'm not getting much work done, but maybe I would if Mackie would go away. He's so annoying. He thinks he so cool and funny but he's just plain annoying. And he falls in love with every girl that is nice to him. I would know, he did the same thing to me last year that he's doing to Prim now. But don't you even say that I'm jealous, because I'm not. I turned him down last year, I sopped doing anything that he might have considered flirting so I wouldn't lead him on like Prim is and I didn't talk to him for about a week just to give it some time. And then after that I started talking to him again and we became friends. That's what you're supposed to do when one of your friends likes you and you don't like them back. YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO LEAD THEM ON. Prim knows how Mackie feels about her. I TOLD HER, I WOULD KNOW. And don't even try to tell me that I'm wrong about how Mackie feels about Prim. First of all, his best friend told me I should tell Prim how Mackie feels so she would stop leading him on. I did, the leading him on thing got even worse! And, Mackie admitted to me that he likes Prim. So yeah, I do know.
I don't know how much longer I can do this.

It's not fair. Sometimes I just want to scream at people. Tell them what I really think of them. How I really feel. But I can't. I don't. Today, today I did. AND IT FELT SO GOOD.
Just a note to say that any names I've used in any of my blog posts are not real. The people are real and once I come up with an alias for that person, if I mention them again in one of my blog posts, it'll be under the same alias.
This does not include when I talk about Celebrities or Book Characters.

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