Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Dazed & Confused

And when my laptop battery hits the red zone, 20%, for what feels like the 100th time just this week I'm thinking hey didn't I just charge it? But then again maybe I didn't. Because it's midnight even though the last time I looked at the clock it was 10:30. Because one more story about love and lust and a perfect relationship like I'll never have turned into 20 more. Because that homework I was going to do never got done and even though I promised myself that tonight things would be different they weren't. I'm hopeless. I'm just a mess. And tomorrow will be another day. Just another day of waking up late because I didn't get any sleep and rushing to get ready and not eating breakfast because I didn't have time and forgetting whatever it was I needed to remember and then trying not to fall asleep in class as my stomach growls because I haven't eaten since supper time last night then running around at lunch talking to teachers because despite my inability to do homework at home I care about my grades and then doing that homework I didn't do last night when I was supposed to then taking the bus home even though I hate the bus because I can't drive yet and even if I could I don't have a car and then staying as long as supper but going out after that and not coming home until it's as late as possible because I don't want to be around my family any longer than I have to be and then coming home and sleeping until lunchtime because it's finally the weekend. It's just a circle, a continuos cycle, and I'm just dazed and confused. 

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