Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Sweet Sixteen

Was it weird that it happened today? 
My day started and ended with him. It was the first time, and I think that I don't want it to be the last.
Maybe before I wasn't sure what this was, these feelings, but then I saw him standing outside my classroom as I rushed to the bus and I couldn't help but wish he was standing out there waiting for me.
It would be easier for me if he wasn't everything I said I'd wanted, easier still if he was with someone else.
But he's not. And the fact that I have a chance, no matter how small, continues to drive me insane.
And then I find out things like maybe there was this girl he liked before he was taken, and maybe he thought she liked him too and maybe now that he's not taken he still likes her, and maybe she was me. And the only real maybe is the last one because how am I to know? 
There are so many possibilities, so many girls it could have been and how am I to know that it was me?
Because maybe it wasn't. Maybe I'm going to get my heart broken all over again.
But maybe that's okay.
Maybe I'll have to suffer a million heartbreaks before I find someone willing to pick me up of the ground and put the pieces back together again.
Maybe it will be him, and maybe it won't.
But I can't help wonder, was it weird that it happened today?

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