Sunday, January 8, 2012

History - Chapter 1 - Baby

My parents were always busy.
I'm not lying when I say my grandmother basically raised me.
I was born in Whitby, Ontario.
About 8 months after I was born, my grandfather had a heart attack.
My parents, who were in the process of buying a house, (we lived in a condo) dropped everything, packed up, and moved here.
My grandfather, was very sick. I didn't know this until much much later but, he had some sort of sickness back when he lived in India and the doctors there didn't cure it right I guess. It caused him to have a lot of kidney problems later, which resulted in him needing dialysis. Also, he was bi-polar, I honestly didn't know until he died, and I was 12 when that happened.
Anyways, once we moved here, we moved in with my grandparents, and my aunt Amy, she still lived with my grandparents because she had mild Autism and therefor she was unable to live the life of a normal person her age. (I think she was in her twenties when we moved here)
Eventually, with my sister on the way, my parents decided to buy a house of our own.
I was probably at my grandmothers house more than I was at my own though.
My grandmother taught me how to ride a bike, took me to get my ears pierced, got me over my baby soother sucking habit, was the first one to know when I got my period, she even potty trained me.
It wasn't just me, when my two younger sisters came along, she did the same for them too.
I always felt kind of abandoned by my parents.
There wasn't really too much from my time as a baby/toddler that still bothers me except for that.
So that concludes chapter 1 of my life.

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