Saturday, September 8, 2012

End Of The Line

It's always worse when you don't see it coming.

Things are great, you're on the phone everyday after school, chatting about the latest gossip. You know each others crushes, you know each others REAL opinions of well, pretty much everyone. She's the one person you feel like you can tell everything to, because you know she won't judge you. You hangout as much as possible, sleepovers, shopping, movies, and just having fun together. She's there for you and she knows you're there for her, even at 3am. She's your best friend forever, and you love her to death.
So obviously it's a shock when one day you're alone, thinking about life, and you realize, you're not best friends anymore. You haven't hung-out in months, the hours you used to spend on the phone have turned into a text or two every once in a while, you barely even talk or see each other anymore except for the occasional "hey" exchanged when you pass each other in the hallways at school. And then you see her with another girl, doing all the things you two used to do together, and it's worse than if your boyfriend had broken up with you and done this with his next girlfriend. Why? Because she wasn't your boyfriend, she was something much more important, your best friend forever. But it seems forever has come to an end. Naturally, you're upset. You don't understand how this happened, how you didn't see it coming. You miss her, and you can't help wonder if she misses you too. You almost wish that you'd gotten into a fight with her, because at least then there would be a reason for why you're not friends anymore. You go on with your life, it's not like you don't have other friends. Then one day you're going through some of your old stuff and you find something from a couple years back that makes you remember her. It's a weird feeling, because you completely forgot about a lot of things that happened to you two, you forgot about a lot of things you did together, but now all the memories of your friendship come rushing back. And you miss her even more than you did when you realized your friendship was over.
This could go 3 ways.
1. You decide to make something happen. You miss your best friend and you want her back. You call her, text her, or maybe just find her at school and talk to her. You tell her you miss her, and you don't have any idea why you're not friends anymore. She feels the same way, you guys start hanging out again. You're back, and it's you two until the end.
2. You do the same things you did in the first way, except she doesn't miss you. She's got better friends, she doesn't need you in her life. You're upset, but you tell yourself that if she doesn't want you, she doesn't deserve you. You move on and eventually you forget about her. Your friendship becomes a little memory stuck somewhere in the back of your mind that only pops up every once in a while.
3. Also known as, how it usually happens. You don't do anything. Why should you have to? Weren't you her best friend too? Shouldn't she be the one to come to you? The flaw in that logic is what if she feels the same way. You both miss each other, but you're waiting for the other to make a move and so no one ever does. Life goes on, you meet new people, make new best friends, but you'll never forget each other. To you, she's always going to hold a special place in your heart and your mind and you'll do the same in hers. Years later you'll both wonder where the other is, how they're doing, and most of all, you'll regret not making an effort to keep your friendship alive.

It's always worse when you don't see it coming.

But know that I think about it, maybe I did see it coming. Maybe I knew all along that we were slowly drifting apart and her now new best friend was coming in between us. Maybe I just didn't want to believe it. That's the problem with living in denial, eventually, the things you tried so hard to convince yourself weren't really happening, happen. 

Looking back on things, I still can't figure out where we went wrong. One day, we were best friends, then a few years later, we weren't. I guess sometimes you just don't realize what's happening until it's over. 
And I could blame. I could blame highschool, I could blame her, I could blame boys, I could blame a whole bunch of people but what's the point? It's not going to bring our friendship back.

So I guess that's it, we're not best friends anymore, this is the end of our line. 


  1. Well said...I guess this sort of things just happens.Makes you wanna appreciate the people around you more.

    Sue,from Malaysia

    Ps.came across ur blog when I was searching quotes for my blog.

  2. Yeah you're right about appreciating people around you more.

    and, oh aha, did you find any good quotes?

  3. yeah,I think I did.
    LOL,cant remember
