Thursday, October 4, 2012

Hotel California

It's been longer than a month of Sunday's since the last time we had any contact with each other.
I can't help thinking this is my fault, even when deep down I know it's not.
We got in little fights all the time, we always made up, it was no big deal.
I guess this time was different.
This time the fight was so stupid I didn't even realize we were fighting until it was two weeks later and you hadn't texted me. 
For a while I was upset, I missed you, I still do.
You were the only person who always knew how to make me feel loved, the only person who cared enough to see through my lies. 
I'd always said I wouldn't be able to live without you, but I'm doing it right now.
So for a while I was upset, but then I realized something.

E V E R Y T H I N G   H A P P E N S   F O R    A   R E A S O N. 

Because in the back of my mind I'd always known we weren't meant to be.
Forever could see us not, you and me. 
We were just too different to ever work out.
And our relationship was too confusing, were we really just friends?
A lot of the time it seemed like we were crossing some sort of line, but neither of us said anything about it.

So even though I miss you, and even though a part of me want's you back in my life, I'm not going to try and fix us.
We were always kind of broken, and now the glass has shattered so badly that even if we do manage to fix it, we'll always know at one point it was broken because it will never be the same. 

So this is it, it's been a long time coming, and we've been running from our always inevitable fate.
But I'm done running.
I'm embracing life without you and I'm moving on.
The fact that you had a huge impact on my life will never change, I'll always remember you.

I guess what I'm trying to say here is, even though I'm moving on, even though our friendship is over, even though I'm not going to try and fix this, sometimes I still wonder, do you ever miss me just a little bit? 

*Every relationship ends except for the one that doesn't.*

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