Saturday, October 6, 2012


You have to be extremely selfish to have kids.
That's what I always thought, and in a way, I still believe it.
Not everybody who has kids is selfish though, you've heard of them, the kids that love their parents more than anything.
And can you blame them?
Their parents are amazing, because yes, good parents do exist.
So, anybody that has kids, and is not a good parent, is selfish.
Because my parents brought me into this world for their own selfish reasons without my permission just so I could spend the majority of my life hating them and wishing I was never born. 
And I get it okay? I get that we have money, and we have a nice house, and I wear nice clothes, and we go on vacations, and we have food to eat, I get that there are people out there that have it worse.
But that doesn't mean that I'm not suffering too.
And I'm tired of being told that I have no right to feel sorry for myself, that I have no right to hate my life, that I have no right to want to die. 
Until you've lived my life for as long as I have, you have no right to say that.
For as long as I can remember, I've hated my parents, so you can't blame this on teenage hormones. 
We're at the point right now where I'm sure they think they're great at parenting. 
This blows my mind because honestly, the only way for them to be any worse would be to start physically abusing us, which they've come pretty close to many times. Not a day goes by where I don't wish I was out of this house and away from my parents.
I would give up everything, my insanely awesome wardrobe, all my electronics, all the trips we go on, my queen sized bed, EVERYTHING, just to get away from my parents. 
I don't know where they learned their parenting skills from, but it's ruining my life.
One day I'll make them see what they've done to me, I'm broken beyond repair by now, so yeah, I'll never be fixed but I still want them to see just how much damage they've done. 
Nothing can be done about my past, but if I play it right, my parents will not be a part of my future. 

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