Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Way You Bounce


This is about to get crazy, are you ready?
Bring it.

Have you ever kissed the last person you texted?
Virgin lips right here.

Do you like the taste of beer?
Wouldn't know!

Will be in a relationship 3 months from now?
Seriously doubt it.

Are you afraid others will judge you from reading some of your answers?
No one's going to see this, LOL.

Is there someone who you instantly smile when you talk to them?
Kind of.

If you could only drink one thing for a month, what would it be?
Well, I want to say lemonade, because it's SOOOO GOOOD, but I'll go with water, because it's healthier and I drink it more anyways.

If you had a plane ticket to anywhere, where would you go?
If I also had money, NEW YAWWK BABY ! Shopping. <3

Who is the last person that made you smile?
Ellen DeGeneres ! <3

Is there someone that you miss right now?
Yes. So much.

Has anyone ever told you they're in love with you?
Yuup. Most were lying.

Who was the last person you were parked next to?
I can't drive yet bro.

Who was the last person you talked about your problems to?
Jeez, I don't even know ! Could of been Molly, Lily, or maybe Sirah. Or maybe Bea.
LOL I can't remember !

Do you like someone?
Sigh. yes.
Dereck. And he likes Sirah.

Do you think that you're a good person?
I try.

Did you wake up happy today?

Have you ever wanted to be a teacher?
I still do, haha.

Have you ever slept in the bathroom with someone you liked?
LOL, what kind of question is that ? I've never slept in a bathroom ever. But I think I will now. haha. just to say I did.

Do you believe in kissing when you're not together yet?
Not really. I don't know.
Ask me after I've kissed someone/.

Have you kissed someone in 2011 that means a lot to you?
It's 2012 now bitch. and, VIRGIN LIPS, REMEMBER?

Do you think you have made a difference in anyone's life?
Again, I try.

Do you have trust issues?
Honestly, who doesn't?

Ever cried while you were on the phone with someone?
I don't actually think I have. If I have, I don't remember.

Do you think "I love you" are strong words?
Yes. And they should be used wisely.

Do you think you can last in relationship for 6 months?
I don't see why not/.

Are you more comfortable with guys or girls? both?
depends who the person is. I'm just more comfortable around people who are as crazy as I am so I can be myself without being judged.

Do you wear eyeliner?
Everyday ? No. I used to wear a lot of make-up everyday but then I realized that, first of all, I don't need make-up to look pretty, and, second of all, if I keep wearing make-up everyday, when I'm older, my face will be so gross and dried out and wrinkly. I usually just put on a little bit of covergirl natureluxe foundation and some covergirl natureluxe lip gloss balm.

Would you rather be stuck in the pouring rain, or in a snowstorm?
If it was warm rain, rain. If it was cold rain, snowstorm.

When was the last time you were happy?
Half an hour ago when I was watching Ellen. <3

Is there anyone you wouldn't mind kissing right now?
Haha, there's a few people.
Cody Simpson, Jaden Smith, Ashton Kutcher, Ryan Higa, Justin Bieber, pretty much all the guys from One Direction and The Wanted, I could go on for a while, ;p

Do you have unlimited texting?
YES. And I'd be fucking dead without it, sad, I know.

Have you kissed anyone on the lips within the past 7 hours?

Does anyone call you babe?
Dunno. If Omegle counts then yes, BAHAHAHAH.

Was last night enjoyable for you?
Just a normal night.I watched The Voice so yeah I guess.

Is there anyone who doesn't like you?
Oh probably.

Is anything bothering you?
Yeah, some random shit.
Dereck asked Sirah to prom, she said yes, now she doesn't want to go with him because she realized she doesn't like him. SO, to re-cap, I like Dereck, Dereck likes Sirah, Sirah likes Kam, and I think Kam likes Sirah but I'm not really sure./
OH. and now she's trying to get him to like me so he'll forget about her and ask me because she doesn't want to tell him no now that she's already said yes.

Are you in a good mood right now?

Is there someone who has made a difference in your life?
Yeah. Beck, I guess.

 Just a note to say that any names I've used in any of my blog posts are not real. The people are real and once I come up with an alias for that person, if I mention them again in one of my blog posts, it'll be under the same alias.
This does not include when I talk about Celebrities or Book Characters.

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