Friday, March 9, 2012

Hey There Delilah

 NOTES - 2

Who do you like and Why?
- I like Cade. Why, you ask? Well, why is the sky blue?

Have you ever been in love? If yes, how many times, and how do you know it was love?
- Unrequited love, yes. Real love? I thought I was, but now I'm not so sure.

Longest relationship you’ve ever been in, and why did it end?
- Like, a week and a half. I'm not good at relationships, I don't trust anyone, and men are pigs.

Have you ever changed for someone, if yes, how?
- First off, let me just say, whatever you do, NEVER EVER EVER change for a guy. But, yes. I did. How? Oh god, here we go. My hair used to be kind of greasy and gross. I got a straightener and expensive shampoo's and other products to make it look nice. I used to dress really gothy and weird. I bought a new wardrobe full of cute clothes. I had glasses. I got contacts. I was depressed. I pretended to be happy. I was ugly. I transformed into someone who society would label as "pretty". But it wasn't enough. Nothing I can do, will ever be enough for him. For Zeke.

Pretend I’m you ex, what do you want to say to me?
- All those years ago, when you told me you loved me, were you lying Beck? Because you said the only girl you've ever loved was Shelly.

Have you ever been cheated on?
- Not that I know about.

Have you ever cheated?
- Never.

Would you date someone who’s known for cheating, if yes why?
- It depends. If I really fell for him, I'd give him a chance. Because, it's not me he cheated on, and everyone deserves a second chance.

What’s the most important part of a relationship?
- Love, obviously. Looking at that person and not only seeing someone who is your bf/gf, but, your best friend. You need to be comfortable around them if you're going to have a relationship.

Do you like to be in serious relationships or just flings?
- Honestly, I have no clue.

When you are dating someone do you believe in going on “breaks”?
-I wouldn't know yet.

How many people have you ever hooked up with?
- Zero.

What’s one thing you regret saying or not saying, doing or not doing in a previous relationship?
- Nothing.

What age do you think is appropriate for kids to start having sex?
- Honestly, I believe in abstinence so, yeah.

Do you believe in the phrase, “Age is just a number?” Why or why not?
-I mean, it depends. If he/she is old enough to be your mother/father, then that's just creepy. Also, during the teen years, age does matter, it's a very big deal. Just because we're still growing up. When we get older, a couple years won't make a big difference.
Ps. Age is just a number and jail is just a room. HAHAHAH.

What about “Love at first sight”? Why or why not?
- No. Lust at first sight, yes. And lust can turn into love but, you need to truly get to know someone before you know if you're in love with them.

Turn on’s?
- Being called 'love' or 'darling'. It's weird, I know. British/Australian accents, flirting, play-fighting. A lot of things, actually, haha. And um, it kind of turns me on when guys swear, but, just the flirty kind, like "damn baby" not like "you're a fucking bitch". The whole "Jillian Greene and Marcus Brody" relationship thing is what I want to have with a guy. I don't want prince charming, I WANT FUCKING MARCUS BRODY. Well, maybe add a little Brent Greene to that, and you've got the perfect man.

Turn off’s?
-Smelling bad. Too many tattoo's/piercings, really long hair, cockiness, homophobia, being judgmental, as werid as this sounds, being nice all the time, I can't stand a guy who is super nice all the time to his girlfriend, like, dude, if I'm dating you, I obviously like you, just be yourself, don't be fake, you're allowed to get mad at me sometimes.

What do you consider a deal breaker?
- Dunno.

How do you know it’s time to end a relationship?
- You just know.

Are you currently in a relationship? If yes, for how long? If no, how long have you been single?
- No, been single since January 2010. And it's currently March 2012.

Do you think people who have dated can stay friends?
- Yes. I'm extremely good friends with my ex, and I love him to death, like a brother though.

Do you think people should date their friends?
-I think, the best relationships start out as friendships.

How many relationships have you had?
-None. I had a, "you like me,I like you, we're going out." kind of thing, but that doesn't really count.

Do you think love can last forever?

Do you believe love can conquer all things?
- Maybe.

Would you break up with someone your parents didn’t approve of?
- No. I don't give a damn what my parents think.

If you could go back in time and give yourself one piece of advice about dating what would it be?
- Don't do it honey.

Do you think long distance relationships can work? Why or why not?
-Yes. If you really love somebody, they're worth it. If you're not willing to do anything and everything for them, to be with them, it's not really worth it. When people say, how can long distance relationships work? I always say, how can they not? But, you do have to be a trusting person, if you don't fully trust your partner, it won't work out.

What do you notice first about another person of the opposite sex?
- I know it's shallow but, if he's not wearing a shirt, then I look at his chest/stomach area. I love abs, okay? I admit it. If he is then face, I love nice eyes/smiles.

Do gay, lesbians, bisexuals or transgender people bother you?
- No, I have a lot of gay/bi friends. And I have no problem with transgender's. I mean, as much as I complain about being a girl, if I woke up and I was a boy, I'd want to become a girl again. So I understand why transgenders are transgenders.

Just a note to say that any names I've used in any of my blog posts are not real. The people are real and once I come up with an alias for that person, if I mention them again in one of my blog posts, it'll be under the same alias.
This does not include when I talk about Celebrities or Book Characters.

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