Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Locked in the Janitor's Closet

So, how many movies/TV shows about high-school have you seen where someone doesn't get locked in the janitor's closet? Disney channel's Radio Rebel is a perfect example.
It must be in a rulebook. How to be a Bitch 101. Rule #1 - Find a nice girl and lock her in the janitor's closet.
Why does this happen? Simple.
Mean girl feels threatened by nice girl, mean girl locks nice girl in janitor's closet to sabotage something that is important to nice girl. 
Personally, although I technically should  be a freshman in high-school, (I'm in grade 9) I'm not. Why you ask? Because here, for some stupid unknown reason, high-school doesn't start until grade 10, so I will start high-school as a sophomore. 
ANYWAYS, I'm getting off topic. I was talking about closets. 
I personally have never seen a girl get locked in the janitor's closet, I've never got locked in it and I've never locked someone in it. I may not be in high-school but I do have friends that are and I'm pretty sure they'd agree.
It's just not real. Yeah, there are lots of really bitchy girls, but they're probably not going to lock you in a closet.
Movies about high-school are just SO unrealistic. I guess when I was younger I never really realized that. I thought people got locked in janitor's closets all the time.
The janitor's closet is just one example of how the way TV portrays high-school is unrealistic. Nobody hooks up in the boiler room, (although the bathroom is a common place for this, or so I've heard) nobody has a thing with one of the teachers, the really cool, cute, popular guy will most likely not fall in love with you, and, having a boyfriend isn't glamorous and wonderful AT ALL.
High-school isn't what you think it will be. I remember when I was little, I couldn't WAIT to go to high-school. Now I'm secretly hoping I'll get famous so I don't have to go.
The only thing I'm looking forward to about next year is that I don't have to take gym. We only need 1 gym credit to graduate so I'll take that in grade 11. 
I thought high-school was this amazing thing where I'd be the coolest, prettiest, smartest girl there and I'd have a super hot boyfriend and the best friends and it would all be perfect.
But it's no where near that at all. 
Nobody is "cool" we're all just people. There are tons of girls (and guys for that matter) who are WAY better looking than me. I'm not even the smartest in my junior high school, how will I be the smartest in my high-school? Reality is, I'm probably not going to get a boyfriend, and I'll have virgin lips forever. As for my friends, well, I don't really know. I guess I'll see when I get there. But what I do know is, high-school is gonna be no where near perfect. Just like being a teenager. It kind of sucks sometimes. That's just the way the world works.
But, I'll find ways to make it through. I always do.

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